Beach Boy to share his good vibrations

The Beach Boys’ Mike Love will speak at the Rotary Club of Chatham’s 75th annual banquet Nov. 9 at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. He’s hinting about bringing the band back for a fundraising concert next summer.
The Beach Boys’ Mike Love will speak at the Rotary Club of Chatham’s 75th annual banquet Nov. 9 at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. He’s hinting about bringing the band back for a fundraising concert next summer.

Mike Love’s coming to Chatham next week, but it could be a prelude to an all-out Beach Boy invasion next summer.

Love, longtime member of the legendary band, will speak at the 75th annual Rotary Club of Chatham’s banquet Nov. 9.

That’s the power of friendship for you.

“I’m really good friends with Rob Bloomfield, a Chatham resident. He’s friends with Don Leonard of the local Ford dealership, and a Rotarian,” Love explained. “They asked me if I would come to speak to help out Rotary with some of their objectives. I like it when I can do stuff when it’s philanthropic and socially responsible.”

Love respects Rotary clubs and their efforts to raise money for various causes. He’s well aware of the latest effort by Chatham Rotary – to raise $100,000 to support the Chatham-Kent Hospice.

“The Beach Boys have always been very open to doing anything and everything do to with the environment, humanity, education or health,” he said.

And that could mean the Surfin’ Safari cruises into Chatham next year. Love said nothing has been signed or sealed at this time, but he sees an opportunity for the Beach Boys to play a fundraising concert in Chatham next summer.

“There are talks to bring the Beach Boys up there. Nothing’s in writing, but the hope is the banquet event on the ninth would lead to us coming back in the summer,” he said. “I think it would be fantastic.

“When we go to the larger cities, there’s so many things going on. When we come to a smaller community, I think it’s more exciting. People are so happy you’re there.”

Why play a community like Chatham to raise funds for the hospice?

“Careers are not just about money and fame,” he said. “We’ve done a lot of philanthropic endeavours. We get to do what we do professionally and they get a group that’s known for its good vibrations and fun, fun, fun.”

As for the Nov. 9 event, Love said he’ll speak for a bit and talk about his life, show some video footage and eventually hold a question and answer period with those in attendance.

Getting here will be a bit of a whirlwind experience, however.

“I get off an oldies cruise ship and get on a boat in Key West, get off it in Fort Lauderdale and fly to Detroit,” Love said.

Tickets for the banquet are $50 and can be purchased at Boyes and Herd Men’s Wear, Forsythe Travel, Victory Ford and Shoppers Drug Mart on Queen Street, or from any Rotarian.



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